Assignment 1  
Assignment 2  
Assignment 3
Assignment 4

Krystal Gonzalez Figueroa


Favorite Movies In Order

  1. Beauty And The Beast
  2. Avatar
  3. Princess And The Frog

Genre Preferences

Movie Overview

Movie Name Movie Genre Release Date
Beauty And The Beast Movie/Romance November 13, 1991
Avatar Sci-Fi/Action December 19th, 2009
Princess And The Frog Family/Musical December 11th, 2009

Background Information

As a child, I was always passionate about movies.

Every time I would see one that I loved, I would try my best to get it on CD.

Over time, my fascination for movies has grown. I love keeping up with anything new that comes out.

When it comes to the CDs, I started a small collection of my favorites.

I hope to grow the collection even more as time goes on.


Reach out on Linkedin at Linkedin or check out some Beauty And The Beast facts at Beauty And The Beast Info