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Dungeons and Dragons

Josh Delgado

Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) is a role-playing game where people get together to create and experience a world. D&D provides players a framework to create their own personalized adventures, experience a pre-made setting, or a combination of the two by customizing other people's content.

Assignment 1   Assignment 2   Assignment 3   Assignment 4   Assignment 5  

Requirements   Setup   Podcasts   Resources   Campaigns  

Requirements to play a game

Setting up your first game

  1. Set up a good time to meet
  2. Create a character
    • Class
    • Race
    • Backstory
  3. Describe the setting
  4. Have each of the party members meet


Here are some podcasts of D&D Campaigns so you can get a taste of what it's like

Join the Party
A great podcast for newcomers to D&D, there's an optional version of the first arc that covers basic rules to D&D when they come up in the game.
Critical Role
Probably among the most famous of D&D podcasts, this features voice actors Matt Mercer, Ashley Johnson, and Laura Bailey
The Adventure Zone
Another popular podcast of a D&D campaign, this follows the campaign where the players in real life are a family.



Here's a table of pre-made campaigns for your DM to use as source material for your own campaign, or to customize to fit your party.

Cover Image Campaign Name Description
Curse of Strahd Cover Image Curse of Strahd The Villain has already won. The Vampire Lord Strahd has taken control, and it's up to you to overthrow him
Out of the Abyss Out of the abyss A twisted labyrinth of tunnels awaits you as you explore the Underdark.
Out of the Abyss Storm King's Thunder Giants have emerged from their strongholds to threaten civilization as never before. The different races of smallfolk must unite to fend them off, using the giants' strength against them.