Assignment 2 Assignment 3 Assignment 4 Assignment 5

Basketball Cards

Faraj Chaaban

basketball cards

The hobby I would like to talk about is Sports card investing. There has been a huge boom in the sports card market as of lately,
while some may see these sports cards as just a piece of shiny cardboard they actually hold significant value as short and long term investments.

Value factors

There are many different factors that play a part in the value of these cards:

  1. Player on the card
  2. Year the card was released
  3. Condition of card

Official grading

Condition was a huge factor in the value of these cards so they can't be left to subjective opinions, there are large grading companies that you can
send your cards into in order to give your cards an official grade and solidify the value.

The factors taken into consideration for grading are:

My personal collection

Player Year Grade Value
Kobe Bryant Rookie PSA9 $280
Kylian Mbappe 2018 world cup PSA9 $215
Carmelo Anthony Rookie PSA 9 $155
Cristiano Ronaldo 2018 world cup PSA9 $240

Background information

The value of cards is very volatile and more often than not, the value is not dependent on the overall talent of the player but
more so the hype surrounding the player at a particular time. It's very important to know when the most people will be interested in that player
and sell when the time is right. EX: Hall of fame induction, Playoff run, Retirement.
