Victor Lam

      Assignment 3 Assignment 2     Games Genre Socials

Cool games I play

Game Cost Rating
Minecraft 30.99 5/5
Skyrim 49.99 4.8/5
Hearthstone Free 3.5/5
  1. Minecraft
  2. sky10       

    Minecraft is a game made by Mojang and was bought by Microsoft for a few billion


    Minecraft is a very popular game with many communities built around it. The game itself allows for multiplayer and single player

  3. Skyrim
  4. sky10        

    Skyrim Elder scrolls is a widely popular open world game made by bethsda.

Cool genres

Socials for game devleopers

Twitter - Bethesda
Twitter - Minecraft
Twitter - Hearthstone                              
Bethesda Minecraft Hearthstone
Twitter Twitter - Bethesda Twitter - Minecraft Twitter - Hearthstone
Instagram Instagram - Bethesda Instagram - Minecraft Instagram - Hearthstone
FacebookFacebook - Bethesda Facebook - Minecraft Facebook - Hearthstone