
Streaming Video Games

League of Legends

By: Zachary Wargo


I'm a variety streamer that plays many different games with a preference for First-Person

Shooters. Some games that you will find me play on my channels are Valorant, Minecraft, GTA 5, LoL,

and Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion. This however doesn't encompass all the games I play and love game


Reasons Why I Love Streaming Video Games

Streaming Setup
  1. Enjoy many fun games
  2. Interact with new people that share the same interests
  3. Learn more of what it takes to entertain people
  4. Possibility to Earn Money doing something I love
  5. I get to play with all my friends on a regular basis

Stream Schedule

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Start Time: 10PM Anytime Anytime Anytime 10PM 10PM 10PM
End Time: Anytime Anytime Anytime 2AM 2AM 2AM 2AM


These here are a list of tutorials for some of the games that I like to play that I find you all may enjoy if your just getting into video games!

Valorant Tutorial

League of Legends Tutorial