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Zarin Tasnim

A senior in University of Central Florida majoring in Information Technology. Coding, traveling is something I love to spend my time on.


School Major Year GPA
Valencia College Associates in General Studies with the focus on Human Resource Management 2018-2020 3.85 GPA
University of Central Florida bachelor's of Science degree in Information Technology 2020-2023 3.87 GPA


Hobbies Example
Traveling Traveled in 4 countries and wants to do more. Next mission is to go to Dubai
Coding Love coding since I started college. Python is my favorite language. Also had experience in C, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Cooking Love to cook different cuisine and feed my friends and families.


  1. Singapore
  2. India
  3. Malaysia
  4. Saudi Arabia



Social Media

contact me on my Linkendin or email. Linkedin Email